Tuesday, December 2, 2014

Hamlet Essay

Hamlet by William Shakespeare dances around the idea of words turning into physical actions.   It is that emotional distress pursued orally through the first portion of the play that undeniably skewes the push and pull struggle emitted throughout. The struggle Hamlet faces in transitioning from merely understanding his duty to the physical acts he pursues in order to achieve that duty establishes the idea of duty over self. Shakespeare revitalizes Hamlet’s struggle, the push and pull, with the “to be: or not to be” soliloquy. A vital part of the play, “To be: or not to be” is a defining moment in Hamlet’s transition and even more so in assisting the tone to flow evenly throughout the play.

The audience sees how much the events truly take a toll on Hamlet. In his soliloquy, Hamlet contemplates being truthful to who he is, to his duty. Is he better off acting and fulfilling his duty as a prince or remaining the compliant prince with a thorn stuck in his side? The push and pull that the audience are faced with throughout the play is reminiscent of the theme, be truthful to your duty or remain compliant.   


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