Sunday, March 1, 2015

Love of Learning

School doesn’t promote the love of learning, it simply doesn’t. In actuality, school steers away from that ideology.

School is an institution that coerces students to sit in a classroom, five times a week, six hours a day. It is an institution that makes adolescent teenagers ask for permission to go to the bathroom, and then denies them the right to do so because, “come on, you have 10 minutes of passing period to do your thing.”
And above all other, it is an institution that praises GPA above a students health.

Students are treated like babies, strapped down to their seats, and force feed information. Forget creativity, you (as a student) have to be aligned within the given rubrik.

I entered high school as a naive student. I was a student that loved coming to school everyday because of the promises of knowledge, new ideas and new subjects. I thought big things, wanted great things. I was excited, for high school and for the future. But four years of AP classes and 4 AM coffee stops to my kitchen has made me lose that spark.

I actually detest going to school now. Is it worth it? No, not really. It’s pretty ironic that an institution that’s supposed to expand my curiosity, actually diminished it.      

This shouldn’t be it. We need something that praises the love of learning. There is a huge difference between loving what you’re doing as opposed to being forced to do what you’re doing. People that do what they love give a little something more than those that don’t. Passion.

Without passion, to learn or to do, there would be very little spark. No trying.   

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