Tuesday, January 13, 2015

Masterpiece: Next Step

Topic: cultural awareness and unity through transmedia ; collaboration work with Danielle Cadena

[description and how it came to be]:

The topic essentially speaks for itself. Danielle and I played with the idea of showing unity and love, bringing light to cultural awareness. At the start of the school year, when we first learned about the concept of “the masterpiece” (a project beyond that of just a senior project), an idea crossed my mind right away. It was a simple idea that cultivated through my love for photography and technology. Seeing as it’s the 21st Century, and social media/technology centers our generation, my idea cultivated as simply that of a HONY twist. This essentially means that I would be using photography as a means of showing people in our community that we are all the same, but we’re also very different from one another (unique would be the word). This idea is a means of showing people that we are like snowflakes, microscopically different from another but similar on a largely scale, or different patches of colors/patterns/textures quilted together. Not only that, but I found my topic to be widely appropriate in a sense that we live in such a small community. We don’t exactly live in a metropolitan area where it is heavily more accepted to be different from another. We live in an area where being different is shunned upon, where we are so closed off from the rest of the world.

Collaboration with Danielle (and possibly Yesenia) led to a more widely spread project. We will be using a mixture of photography, arts and crafts, social media (tumblr, facebook, twitter, instragram, etc), and video to complete our masterpiece. We collaborated with Laura Ritchie and her musically talented students to help create a music track for our video (and hopefully some of their stories) to create and show an even more diverse project. Apart from the hacked HONY portion of the project and the video portion of the project, we will be using social media with the hashtag #spreadthelove15 to expand and trend the love and unity. The hashtag and media post will include a creation that the person will create with love. The creation can be anything (a drawing, poem, heart/dove portrayal), it just has to be made with love.

Hopefully, our project will show cultural awareness, and create a more open and hate-free community.

[academic discipline/skills required]:

There’s really no academic discipline needed to help out with the project, we just need more love and less hate, more openness and less gate, more knowledge and less ignorance. You don’t need to be artistically amazing or great, you just have to create something that shows how hard and how much you put towards it!  

(maybe a little bit of technological skills aka you need to know how to use social media)     

[tools/resources needed]:
video editor - we have
exposure (aka advertisement/help from people to spread the word)
social media
basic art supply        

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