Wednesday, October 1, 2014

Character Study (I)

She walked briskly from her dorm through Washington Square Park, her hair blowing wildly in the wind. Bundled up in layers, a frown etching her face, she looked like a local New Yorker (not a native born Californian). Studying biochemistry within the pre-med track, Erica was already swamped with “assignments,” thus her mission to Bobst Library or as she liked to call it, the 12-story monster. Walking with a purpose, she brushed past other students, family members, and that guy named Steve that always has his hot dog cart located (seriously, every day) right next to the “famous Washington Arc.” It was the bustle and hustle that pulled her there in the first place. The people, a melting pot of culture and diversity strewn together like mismatched patchwork of quilt. Everything I had ever dreamed about, right on to the putrid smell of month old Chinese food (the smell that kind of grows on you after a while). Here she was, 5 foot 1 inches of skin and bones (wide, wandering eyes), grown and raised in a small hickory town now living, and breathing, her dreams. It was so surreal, but it was also her reality. She stopped her musings as she reached the impending library building. Grasping the handles, Erica pulled the doors open and quickly got inside. It wasn't all sunshine and glitters for her to be there. She fought and clawed her way to the top, leaving behind her family and friends in the west coast to her journey east. But it was all worth it; she was here, standing on the 11th floor of Bobst Library, studying in her dream school to become a doctor like she had always wanted to become. Like that famous quote said (apparently from Mark Twain), “make your mark in New York and you are a made man.”

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