Tuesday, October 21, 2014

Hamlet: Act I Scene IV/V

[Hamlet] - rough interpretations
  • → yes, it’s a custom but they should respect the old King and not celebrate it (his death)
    • the drinking and partying makes us look bad; the other nations think us drunkards
    • [Claudius] should be taking this seriously and should be mourning

“King, father, royal Dane: O, answer me!” - Hamlet

  • Hamlet recognizes the ghost as his father; gives credibility to the ghost
    • Remember: ghost is an omen (reinforces it) → unfinished business; shows something wrong with the balance of the kingdom
  • Horatio and Marcellus warns Hamlet that the Ghost will trick him into doing something terrible

“Something is rotten in the state of Denmark.” - Marcellus

  • moral and political corruption → foul play; Claudius’s misguidance as king

  • Hamlet’s father (ghost) is in purgatory going to hell
    • readers find out that he was murdered → king was sleeping in the garden when Claudius pours poison (snake venom) into his ear causing his blood to clot
    • [rough interpretation]  Gertrude was seduced by Claudius even before the murder occurred
      • giving over to lust
      • (to Hamlet) “let God judge her and let her guilt consume her [Gertrude]”
        • don’t let emotions rule you (act of revenge) → do it for your country and of your birth

“There are more things in heaven and earth, Horatio, than are dreamt of in your philosophy.”

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