Thursday, November 20, 2014

Why Lupe Pliego Deserves more than 10 points

Hearing about the new "game" platform that Jayce and Omar (kudos to you guys) created for our course, I just had to go check it out to see who was in the lead. You know what they say, "curiosity killed the cat, satisfaction brought it back." So I checked it over and was immensely gratified at the amount of work they put in it.

My competitive drive led me on a pursuit of looking up the scores and was immensely dissatisfied with one score in particular. Mine. Totally kidding, my score was satisfying enough more me. What struck me as odd wasn't my score, but of someone else in particular. When I saw Lupe's meager 10 points (weak) I almost choked on the piece of heavenly garlic bread I was munching on. WHAT THE MOTHER BOARD?? 10 points??? My eyes widened in disbelief. So, I'm here to make it right.

First of all, her blog is not only aesthetically pleasing to the eyes (work that font), but is legible and coordinated in a way that allows the reader to easily access certain topics (via usage of tabs). Also, brownie points for the awesome quotes on her blog.

Secondly, she has done all of the required work plus more. She has made her blog her own, has owned up to it, putting herself beyond most of the students.

Her work proves to be of utmost care and attentiveness. She has a keen eye of analyzing and annotating texts.

Thirdly, she is a great resource for everyone. Open and friendly, she'll gladly help you understand the work if needed. She's an open-ended book, available to everyone and amazingly attentive.

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