Sunday, February 1, 2015

Unforgotten Face

Unforgotten face

There is something so sinister about the young dying. Death in itself is common, a part of a cycle. It balances life, death does; without the other, life or death, the world gets skewed out of proportion.

Still, I can’t help but weep at the sight of the young dying. Potential struck down without mercy, life seamlessly cut down like a string.

Four months before graduation, my head still can’t wrap around the idea that one of us is gone. There’s a part of me that wants to slap you senseless, out of anger for leaving wonderful people behind and out of sadness that you are truly gone. But the rational part of me knows that it was all an accident, no one wanted this.

Even though you won’t be physically there with us during graduation, I know that you’ll still be there, in our minds and in our souls.

I can picture it now, you cheering us in the sideline. Your eyes crinkled at the side, speckled brown, and your mouth quirked up. It’s both a quirky and cocky smile.

So, thank you. Thank you for the four delightful years spent with us.

Thank you for being the best lab partner out there. Thank you for getting Noah and I out of trouble in some crazy, life-or-death lab.

Thank you for keeping the smile on your face every 7:30 in the morning.

Thank you for being a part of the AVID family, love and hate included.

Thank you, Breanna Rodriguez, forever the unforgotten face.

1 comment:

  1. She will always be with us; as we walk into AVID, as we take our AP tests and as we throw our caps in the air. Our love for her will never waver
