Sunday, April 5, 2015

Masterpiece Spring Break Progression

Inspiration has struck Danielle and I right on the noggin' (stint no more). The newly revised masterpiece stemmed off of a Facebook conversation we had earlier today. Danielle half-joking, half-serious asked me if we "can do a stem calendar where women are 'hot' because of their confidence, not because they're creating some sick fantasy for every male consumer." That single message led to talks about photo shoots being integrated wholly into our project.

The photo shoot would have several parts included:

  • women confidently doing their job (whether it be field work, STEM field, activism, or being a stay-at-home); this will include both the young and the old, the young being dreamers and the old that continuously live through them   
  • but it wouldn't just be women, it'll have men doing what they love, "unconventional" hobby, career, or interest that might go against societal perception of masculinity
  • the photographs will have a series that includes people holding up notes on "why we need equality" and "why we need diversity" and "why we need inclusion"  

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