Sunday, April 12, 2015

The Everyday Blogs

There are blogs that I continuously find myself hovering over at a constant rate. These blogs have appealed to me in some way or form. Some of them for their "ahead-of-time-before-it's-due" posts (that never fail to save me) to blogs that are a little bit more personalized. Other times, I find myself unconsciously clicking a blog because, for lack of a better term, their pretty, aesthetically pleasing. So here they are, the long awaited "everyday" blogs

  • Lupita Pliego - Her blog is the blog I continuously check at a day to day basis. It's aesthetically pleasing enough, is easy to read, and utilizes tabs so that visitors are easily able to configure what they want to find. She's also the one that gets assignments done (like a month a head). Whenever I think I'm missing an assignment, I go over to her blog and see if I am missing some things. Not only that, but it's personalized enough that I see slivers of Lupe in her blog. The colors, the quotes, and heck, the "book tree" screams Lupita Pliego, book-lover extraordinaire. 
  • Jayce Alegre - The funny thing is a majority of Jayce's posts aren't AP Literature related. His posts, although not assignment based, are distinctive and honest, their new and exciting. Looking through my feed tend to get boring really quickly because of the same 'ol boring "let's get this done quickly, sometimes sloppy, assignment post," but Jayce tends to stray away from that. 
  • Henry Freeborn - Similar to Jayce, his writing strays away from the typical assignment based post. The difference between the two is the style of writing. I particularly enjoy reading Henry's writing because of the gritty style. He writes with the full bluntness of a guy that doesn't give any cr*p about what people think of it. His writing is hauntingly beautiful, and once again, very gritty. He takes stances on otherwise politically gripping topics, be it national or local, with elaborate ease. 
  • Yesenia Beas - Her words flow out with the fluidity of water. Well, her whole writing can be described like water (when she decides to post). She can easily manipulate her words to a whim. She is able to write about something she does not care for with the utmost passion. Her words can be as turbulent as a current ridden river or as calm as a lake.  

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