Monday, August 25, 2014

My University

The first day of my independent learning was a "new" environment. Acclimated with the way the class worked, I realized just how much time I have to work on the agenda when Dr. Preston is absent. The class itself was missing the flurry it had last week, but maybe that's due to a decrease in work (or the lack of a good, fly off the moment tangent). The majority of class was spent with a table discussion concerning the journal topic. We discussed the way language creates new realities; people lost in the spell of a good book, the way mathematics is a language that opens up the boundaries to new dimensions, and the way language implies concepts of reality. The class, as a whole, also tried (key word: tried), to hum/sing along to a song. It was decided that we would attempt to not butcher Bohemian Rhapsody by Queen (a bit appalling that some people did not know even a smidgen about this work of wonder). Some people did try (I'm proud to say that Danielle and I, along with Joey, Lafflin twins, and Marcel did truly sing/hum with pride), but the class in general did horrible in the attempt. Tomorrow will only get worse (3 consecutive tests, yaaay).           

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