Thursday, September 18, 2014

My Masterpiece 1

We live in a really close-off community which has resulted in a lack of cultural diversity. Our community is set up in a way that essentially resembles that of a cliche high school cafeteria (think Mean Girls). Different means bad, no association. I would like to challenge that status quo. Photography is powerful. Remember that saying "a picture is worth a thousand words"? This is essentially HONY central coast style. I want to raise cultural, political, and social awareness. Sharing the stories would make it all real. It wouldn't just be statistics. Every story will be a puzzle piece, brought together to create a larger vision. 

My other masterpiece idea relates back to my intended majors. A part of Red Cross, Naiomi Dasai and I intend on doing something beyond what has been done before. In order to create awareness about crucial health related topics (drunk driving, contraception, vaccination, etc.), we want to create a convention. We are hoping to partner up with Marian Hospital, health related organizations, and people in the medical field as a way of making this work out. This will be beneficial to all, even more so to anyone going into the medical field. I'm also thinking of creating something physical. Interested in energy production, specifically the use of an efficient energy source. I want to make a solar panel and/or algae fuel (bio-fuel). 

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