accolade - noun a tangible symbol signifying approval or distinction; an award
- The kindergarten teacher gives her students accolades when they don’t color past the lines.
acerbity - noun a sharp sour taste; a rough and bitter manner; adj expressing harsh or sharp criticism in a clever way
- The professor drew poop in his students work as an acerbic way of showing distaste for the work.
attrition - noun a wearing down to weaken or destroy; process of gradually reducing the strength or effectiveness of someone or something through sustained attack or pressure.
- Gunning the car causes the wheels to attrition.
bromide - noun a drug that makes a person calm; a statement that is intended to make people feel happier or calmer but that is not original or effective
- The coach’s speech was nothing but a bromide, saying the same thing about teamwork over and over again.
chauvinist - noun a person displaying aggressive or exaggerated patriotism.
- The neighbor is a chauvinist, often wearing outfits with the color pattern: red, white, and blue.
chronic - adj. being long-lasting and recurrent or characterized by long suffering; constant
- Runner’s often times get chronic knee pains due to the amount of pressure put on them.
expound - verb add details, as to an account or idea; clarify the meaning of and discourse in a learned way, usually in writing
- The doctor, trying to calm the patient, expounded the low rate of death.
factionalism - the existence of or conflict between groups within a larger group
- Factional interest was the cause of the Civil War.
immaculate - adj. completely neat and clean; free from stain or blemish; without fault or error
- Her outfit was immaculate; not a single crease was present and everything went well together.
imprecation - noun the act of calling down a curse that invokes evil (and usually serves as an insult); a slanderous accusation
- The witch yelled her imprecations at the passerby.
ineluctable - adj. impossible to avoid or evade:"inescapable conclusion"
- His ex-girlfriend was ineluctable; wherever he went, she was always right there.
mercurial - adj. liable to sudden unpredictable change
- She is mercurial, often forgetting her current task in order to do a completely new one.
palliate - verb provide physical relief, as from pain; lessen or to try to lessen the seriousness or extent of
- Putting a cool cloth on a fever-ridden person usually palliates the heat.
protocol - noun code of correct conduct; forms of ceremony and etiquette observed by diplomats and heads of state; (computer science) rules determining the format and transmission of data
- The guards had to follow the protocol in order to keep everything safe and sound.
resplendent - adj. having great beauty and splendor
- The boy was resplendent with his suit and tie.
stigmatize - verb mark with a stigma or stigmata; to accuse or condemn or openly or formally or brand as disgraceful
- The owner stigmatized her dog after it ran around the house with its dirty paws.
sub rosa - noun happening or done in secret
- The affair was sub rosa so as not to attract the attention of the husband.
vainglory - noun outspoken conceit
- Narcissus had great vainglory; so much in fact that it led to his death.
vestige - noun an indication that something has been present; a trace of something that is disappearing or no longer exists
- The Mayans left behind great vestige of their once thriving civilization.
volition - noun the act of making a choice; the capability of conscious choice and decision and intention
- Everyone has the volition to do something instead of wasting away.
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