Sunday, January 18, 2015

Creative Writing: #2 (unfinished drabble)

prompt: two characters from any book are stuck in an air-hot balloon. one has to jump out.

“Romeo, I love thee, so much so that my heart bursts at the mere thought of your name. I love you more than an artist loves his work. You are my muse, my inspiration, my only love. But god forbid if you don’t stop being such a coward, and actually start acting like a man, I will push you out of this balloon myself.”

Juliet’s eye twitched in agitation, arms flinging all around, as she pointedly glared at him. Romeo Montague, the sometimes dim-witted boy she (unfortunately; star-crossed lovers, really?) loved, was mortified, very much so.

Taking half a step back, Romeo’s back hit the edge of the balloon. He felt like a caged animal, cornered with absolutely no hope for survival. He whimpered as she inched closer, his arms thrown up in self defense, adams apple quivering.  

“J-j-juliet, let us think this through. I assure you, we will get through this together my love. No dying.” Tears threatened to fall as he tried to reason with the love of his life. Fate was truly cruel.

Juliet let a strangled laugh (sounding very much like a Siren), “You are the man Romeo. You are the one that must sacrifice yourself so that I, your fair maiden, would survive this tragic event.”

His whimpering momentarily ceased as he replied, “Isn’t that sexist?”


“Yes, Juliet. I’m pretty sure that’s you being sexist.”

“Definitely not, it is your duty to protect me from any danger. You said yourself when we made our vows.”

“You know what, we aren’t getting anywhere with these petty arguments. We should just jump together. For better or for worse, we need to do this together.”

She sighed, then began murmuring to herself. “If I had just picked Paris. I mean, Romeo is good looking, but that’s pretty much it. Why do I always get myself into trouble?”

Unbeknownst to the young couple, the hot-air balloon had been slowly descending unto the shark infested water.  

(yes, i am disappointed by the ending)

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