Tuesday, January 13, 2015

Network and Our Topics

Jayce: dance and medicine → dream job and hobby (main interest) ; make videos to represent medical terms (a “spoof” video of sorts, use humour and dance to explain complicated medical terms; think “crashcourse”) OR how dancing changes the body, medically (tense muscles, which muscles and joints are working), and how dancing helps improve health

→ subtopics: time travel ; sociology

Lupe: literacy (reading) and communications, might include animal cruelty → start a reading program for kids (collaboration work with the public library plus community involvement) → students can sign up to help kids read (read to them or essentially teach them reading skills, pronunciation, book recommendations, etc) ; implement a video to show how the program started and progressed, while also showing the world that kids ARE reading and ARE interested in learning how to become more literate

Yesi (collaborating with): language, history, and community involvement (topics) → she volunteers at the Dune Center (museum-ish) ; the community wants a translated version of a published book on the history of Guadalupe (English to Spanish version) which she wants to undertake (but will need permission from the author first ; communication underway) → doesn’t want monetary payment (if she receives money from the book, the money will go towards the community, as donation, for future projects) ; if the book translation doesn’t go through, then the project will take a more community involvement turn aka hiking trails → community outreach

→ collaboration with me: HONY portion of the project as translator  

Danielle (collaborating with): we are working together for the cultural awareness and unity project → incorporating social media to the project (#spreadthelove15)

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